Christian Counseling
Christian Counseling is an essential part of ministry to the Church. In the day and hour that we live, the Body of Christ is greatly affected by the problems that plague our surrounding society. (This program needs at least 3 students taking the program)
CC-452 Faith Therapy
This course teaches the basic principles of Faith Therapy, providing a description of the process of applying faith to both common and deeply-rooted problems. It address the role of the anointing in the counseling process.

CC-456 Effective Counseling Skills
This course teaches how to listen and observe a client; how to ask open-ended questions, paraphrase and summarize their answers; as well as how to connect and when to confront a client.

CC-453 Transformation
This course provides a comprehensive method for Christian counseling derived directly from the Bible and in-depth biblical answers for many of the more complex and difficult psychological problems faced in the church.

As counselors, our goal is to help people get to a one-on-one place with God, so He can speak truth to their heart. This course will teach you how to minister healing to the broken-hearted with the help of theHoly Spirit, our “Wonderful Counselor.” Tap into God’s compassion for those you will counsel. Learn to be sensitive to flowing in the Holy Spirit whenever you counsel and/or minister to someone. As you do, you can expect the same anointing of the Holy Spirit that was upon Jesus as He ministered healing to the broken hearted and set the captives free!

CC-409 Temperament Theory
This course gives students an understanding of the different types of temperaments and insight into how to improve our daily interactions with others.

This course unpacks the biblical foundations for a lasting marriage as revealed in Ephesians 5:33 - “Each of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband” (NIV). A wife has one driving need – to feel loved. A husband has one driving need – to feel respected. When those needs are met, they are happy. When these needs aren’t met, things get crazy. Discover the power of gender differences and communication skills to help your clients change the way they talk to, think about and treat each other, so they can have the marriage they’ve always wanted.

In this course, you will learn how to help those you counsel hear directly from God for themselves and discover emotional wholeness through hearing God’s voice. As clients learn to dialogue with God through a simple journaling process, they will be able to distinguish the voice of the accuser from the voice of the Comforter. Rhema words directly from God will help them move from fear to faith, from guilt to hope, from anger to love, from inferiority to identity, and from depression to joy.

CC-460 Facilitating Support Groups

Small groups are one of the most effective ways of helping people make major changes in their lives. The fellowship and camaraderie, the group interaction, and support for new behaviors all contribute to this success. Learn the skills you need to set an atmosphere for listening, loving, and personal growth!

This course gives practical guidance to helping break the family crazy cycle of family conflict.This course focuses on building healthy family dynamics by replacing the crazy family disfunction. Discover the skills and insight of biblical principles of parenting for healthy family dynamics
Program 3 Courses List — Christian Counseling Track*

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